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Authors and scientists tell us about dried out rivers, seas and lakes as nowadays it’s happening to the Nile, the Indo, the Yellow river, the Colorado, the Rio Grande and the Ganges. Actually the water of all these rivers is used to irrigate crops that waste about a half the water available on earth.We’are listening to the international organization cries on this issue. Action aid complains that roughly 750 million people don’t have water and Greenpeace reported that factories that release chemical substances pollute water and cause a negative impact in the human health and on the environment.

Indeed climate change, caused by human activities, is creating the desertification of wide areas and the rise of the sea level with impredictable impact on the quality of life of the population that live on coastal regions.

Biblical migrations are expected in the future as we are told by Amitav Ghosh in his recent book “The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable” For this reason an expert on the issue as professor Luciana Migliore of Tor Vergata University will be with us to hold a lecture about risks and opportunities connected with water.
October 21 – 18.00 Museo Civico di Bari


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